воскресенье, 5 марта 2017 г.

My Working Day
I don’t feel like speaking about my working day in detail. The everyday routine doesn’t present any interest to anybody but everyday life is something that makes an essential part of our life.
So my day starts when I hear my alarm-clock ring or my mother’s voice: “Darling, it’s time to get up”. Though I am a heavy sleeper I can easily return to reality after my night dreams. The thing that helps me do that is a cold shower which I take every morning with a great pleasure.
So I am not an early-riser and I get up at 7 o’clock. It doesn’t take me long to get dressed. As soon as I have done it I am ready to have breakfast. Some people make their breakfast rather substantial (this is a usual thing with the English) but with me it is different. I prefer having a cup of tea or coffee and some sandwiches. At 8 o’clock I leave my home. I go to lyceum by bus. It takes me 15 minutes.
Our lessons start at 8.30. The bell rings, the teacher comes in and lessons begin. Our lessons last for 45 minutes. After the third lesson we have a longer break or an interval. During the break we have a chat, discuss the latest news and I soon feel hungry and I go to have a bite at our canteen.
Usually we have six lessons a day and they are over at about two o’clock. If I have no activities after classes I go home. When I am back home I have dinner. This time I eat a lot: something for the first course, a meat dish and something for dessert. After hard work at lyceum and after a hearty dinner I feel tired and sleepy. So rather often I have a nap or sometimes I meet my friends or listen to music.
Then it is time for me to get down to doing my lessons. It takes me two or three hours to do my home task.
Sometimes, and rather often too, I have to sit up late especially on those days when we have to write a composition or to make some report. As a rule I am through with my tasks at 8 o’clock. Then I have two or three hours at my disposal which can be spent on reading, watching TV.
I am afraid you have got an impression that I never do anything about the house. Certainly, I do. It is my everyday duty to tidy up the rooms, to wash up, to clear away the table and once in a while to go shopping, that I like most. This way I can kill two birds with one stone- having a walk and doing some useful work.
After about 11 o’clock I say everybody good night, wish good dreams and go to bed to get up early next morning to begin everything anew.

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